Would you rather have a chance to design a new toy or direct a movie?

I would rather direct a movie instead of design a new toy because I can meet and work with famous people. Furthermore, the film can make millions of dollars. The reason why I didn’t choose “design a new toy” was because kids get tired of them, and they can be popular for a month, but then everyone forgets about them the next month, and the turn out in sals can be very unpredictable. So, would you rather have a chance to design a new toy or direct a movie?

8 thoughts on “Would You Rather… ?

  1. I would rather have the chance to design a new toy because I feel like I could be more creative with it rather than directing a movie because If I were to direct a movie it would just be very cliche and unoriginal compared to a toy I would make for kids.

    1. Thank you for sharing your opinion with me, but I feel like you have a wide variety of crowds you can reach when directing a movie because with a toy you can mostly just reach the kids, in my opinion.

    1. Arianne, your absolutely right. Directing a movie would be so much fun, not just for the person that going to direct it but also for the people who would watch your move.

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